Thursday, March 12, 2009

University of the West Indies

     Wednesday and Thursday were the last days our group was on campus. These two days were extremely eventful in various ways.

For one we continued our community groups with Campus Crusade for Christ.

Second of all we had many meaningful relationships started due to the selfless acts of the individual groups. (Three to a group)

Lastly we used sports such as Frisbee and American football, not futbol, to bring curious Bajans to us and use this as a medium to talk to them.

     Wednesday we also held our own worship service where music and preaching were done by the students. Matt Brown, Jonathan Bishop, and McKenzie Martin lead music before Ryan Campbell brought a message to us.

This was a great time to slow down, rest and just recognize that God is able to be with us in Barbados worshipping as well as at Rock Springs in South Carolina, about 2000 miles away.

This week has been a refreshing time for our group, and also a time of revelation in that God is God no matter where you are or how you worship him.

Please pray for the students of UWI and pray that the Christian groups on campus continue to grow and minister to the students.

                                     Correspondent Josh Gibson

Do You Have A Greater Love?

While here in Barbados we have been working with a group called Campus Crusade for Christ (CCC), we are working with and trough them for the Word. Through them we are trying to make connections and relationships with the students of UWI.

CCC has a once weekly meeting on Tuesday night. This past Tuesday night we had the opportunity and pleasure to participate with them in the meeting. During the meeting the members of the CCC lead the worship time.

It was amazing for us to see the intensity of the worship down here.

Later on in the meeting, Josh and Jonathan (me), worshiped through a drama about being a true Christian instead of just acting like one. You might notice this skit as Dumb as a Stick. Right before the message for the evening was brought, Jonathan (me) and McKenzie Martin, brought forth a special song called Healer. Then, the Spirit of God really moved and spoke though a local named Matthew.

The theme for the CCC for this month is “Do You Have A Greater Love?”  That of course is referring to the great love of Jesus Christ. The group tries to focus on the fact that it is relationship above religion, that just because one goes to church or is a “good” person that they automatically are going to heaven.

Please be praying for the CCC and their witness and future opportunities to share Christ. Pray for the missionaries here, Rick and Cindy, to make real connections with the students here.